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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Ravi Ratan

New Living Expo / Ravi Ratan


Chakra Health with Lymph Drainage | Saturday April 28 | 12-12:45 pm | Room 4 | Booth 443

Our mental & emotional state impacts our health at the physical and physiological level, causing chakra blockages. Emotional blockages affect the sacral chakra, and cause lymphatic blockages which leads to back pain, menstrual problems, depression, etc. Our attachments cause pain, anguish, and trauma that affect the heart chakra and lymph circulation and is one of the causes of heart problems and pain in the breasts, neck and shoulders. Dr. Ratan explains how you can help heal chakras and attain optimum health through the lymph system.

Dr. Ravi Ratan is an author, clinical aromatherapist, and healer from India. Integrating yoga and Ayurveda with aromatherapy for chakra healing and lymphatic drainage, he conducts training programs and healing sessions in his specialized, integrated healing technique.