Living the Miracle of Your Intuitive Soul Life | Friday 27 | 5-5:45pm | Room 2
Today, we are evolving from a body-based intellectual race into a spirit-centered intuitive one. It’s not easy for any of us. Tried-and-true solutions to problems both personal and global no longer seem to be working. You might think, “We need a miracle to solve this!” We not only need a miracle, we need to live the miracle of our soul life. Learn how from someone who’s been living it. Michael lives the miracle: Clairvoyant since childhood and returning from death five times, he’s guided thousands to their awakening and purpose.
Spiritual Teacher and Clairvoyant Visionary, Michael J. Tamura is the host of Living the Miracle radio program and author of You Are the Answer. He’s a featured expert in the film PGS – Intuition is Your Personal Guidance System. www.michaeltamura.com