Free Lecture: 5th Dimensional Living: Vibrating & Aligning in 5D | Friday April 27 | 8 -8:45pm | Room 4
Lori will share her knowledge of the 5th dimension through the 12th dimension and beyond. She will access and align with higher dimensional experiences, and will activate your dormant DNA and your potential. Awaken your sacred key codes and hear about our true galactic and star family heritage and the galactic timeline for humanity’s awakening. Understand vibrational energy healing, sacred activations and cellular codes of awakening for you and your animals. Receive ascension updates. Align with your God-self and the divine source within you.
Lori Spagna is a best-selling author, spiritual teacher, ascension guide, multi-dimensional channel, intuitive, healer, animal communicator, Lightworker & Starseed who has transformed thousands of lives of humans and animals. Get your free gifts: www.LoriSpagna.com/freegifts.
Free Panel Discussion: Ascension Now | Sunday April 29 | 4-4:45pm | Room 7
Spiritual Awakening to higher consciousness is currently taking place all over the planet, and accelerating human evolution on all levels. This directly impacts our lives, including the physical, mental, emotional, egoic and spiritual aspects of who we are.
Join spiritual experts in an illuminating exploration of the “Current Cosmic Ascension Plan,” as they discuss ancient mysticism, energetic quickening, dismantling of corrupt systems, shifting timelines, the solar flash, genetic transfiguration, 5th dimensional living and Soul embodiment.