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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Dannion Brinkley

New Living Expo / Dannion Brinkley

Dannion Brinkley


Saturday, 11am-12:30pm room 3

This is a paid workshop either $28 reg seat, or $44 for Vip seat, plus general admission ticket to attend.

Saved by the Light

If you know me, don’t miss this presentation. A complete review of the boxes of Knowledge. Let’s see how many they missed and we are in the last box now. The reason why you will not die and a lot of new insightfully funny info about our future.


If you don’t know me don’t miss this presentation. I will tell you the truth about the NDE giving you a strong sense of who you really are, why you are alive now, and a mind expanding heart opening reality check..

One reality is ending and a new one is beginning.

Dannion Brinkley is a NY Times author of the international best-selling book series, Saved by the LightAt Peace in the Light, and The Secrets of the Light. Being struck by lightning in 1975, Dannion was listed as clinically dead for 28 minutes.  His near-death experience has recalibrated the way he would live his life: from a self-absorbed bully to helping others. His books have been translated into 22 languages, offering an informative view on the death protocols: the immersive panoramic life review, the seeds of the dark, enigmatic blue-grey place and the prophetic boxes of knowledge.  Dannion’s life’s experiences have taught him that no one dies and every breath matters.