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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Vincent Genna Become Unstoppable! What’s Holding You Back?

Room 4

4:00 pm - 4:45 pm

Friday Free Lectures 45mins

Join psychic therapist Vincent Genna for a transformative lecture on uncovering unconscious blocks hindering your dreams. Explore hidden mechanisms sabotaging your efforts in career, relationships, finances, and well-being. Genna explains how the brain unconsciously creates barriers that limit your potential, despite what you think you believe.

With over 40 years of research and experience, he reveals how survival and protection processes shape hidden belief systems that restrict your fullest potential. Learn why knowledge of metaphysical principles like the Law of Attraction isn’t enough without addressing these psychological anomalies. Discover how to break free and become unstoppable. What’s holding you back?


Vincent Genna, MSW, is a dynamic Psychic Therapist, celebrated Medium, and Spiritual Master. Known as the “Visionary of Our Times,” he blends over 41 years of expertise in Spirituality, Metaphysics, and Psychology to inspire transformation. Through his bestselling book, podcast, and media appearances, Vincent empowers people worldwide to achieve extraordinary breakthroughs.