Super Digestion – Healing Your Gut | Saturday 1 pm | Room 3
The intestinal microbiome is one of the hottest topics in science and medicine today. Your intestinal health influences the health of your entire body. Intestinal microbiome imbalances, and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), underlie symptoms of poor digestion, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating and gas. They reflect imbalances that can lead to illness, fatigue, allergies, poor complexion, inability to lose weight, hormone imbalances, depression, etc. Dr. Feig will unravel the mystery of the common causes of poor digestion and discuss how to go about healing your gut. Discover why diets, fasting, colonics and most cleansing programs fail to address the true cause of intestinal distress.
Dr. Stephen Feig is a family physician that specializes in treating digestive disorders with nutrition and natural medicine. See ad page 17