Free Workshop
Success to Significance: Living for More
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Modern success is often defined by external validation and accumulation of possessions, power and prestige, yet it leaves us feeling empty, no matter how full our pocketbooks or bank accounts may be! Sadhviji challenges this definition of success by offering a vision of “significance”—a life lived as an instrument of purpose, grace, and service. Rooted in both ancient dharma principles and also modern psychological insights, this talk provides practical ways to shift from a life of accumulation to one of contribution, fostering a legacy of fulfillment and impact and a life of meaning and joy.
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, a renunciate monk based in Rishikesh, India, is a Stanford graduate with a PhD in psychology. A bestselling author, global speaker, and social activist she shares timeless Vedic wisdom worldwide. Honored with President Biden’s Lifetime Service Award, she serves on the United Nations Advisory Council on Religion.