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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Sacha Stone I AM – The Golden Ticket

Room 2

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Workshop 90 min

This is a paid workshop, you will need a $28 reg seat, or a Vip seat $44, plus a general admission for that day

Step into this ground-breaking lecture designed to activate our ‘inner temple’ as we reconnect with innate Divinity….. our birthright! It is by convening in the light of pure~truth and activating innate divination tools that we learn to clear the spells and bonds which disconnect us your from Immanence! Drawing on the Steiner model, the Kushrit feminine archetype, and Zero Point learning, we will explore stratagem which break us free from restrictive paradigms as we enter the state of Divine Alignment. A ‘state of being’ wherein ‘I am that I am ~ my will be done’ becomes our embodiment and enactment. Learn about the Tatarian Christic energy that, once fully awakened, signals the dissolution of control structures and the rise of the Golden Age. We will explore the historical forces at play, including ancient Babylonian priesthoods and the Khazarian-Tatarian dialectic, and how these narratives have cyclically breached Human Ascension. By embracing our true role as the Angelic Human we can embody true-purpose as the jewel of creation and usher in a new era of consciousness-in-action. Join us in reclaiming our Divine Inheritance and transform the World by transmuting Self!

Sacha Stone, former rock musician, is a shock poet activist, public speaker, publisher, writer and filmmaker. He established Humanitad in 1999 and is an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice, founding the International Tribunal for Natural Justice in 2015. He has instigated judicial commissions of inquiry, peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of vanguard innovators, scientists and doctors. He is the founder of, which is incubating vanguard microbiological solutions to combat the existential health threats facing humanity. He founded the New Earth Project, an evolving blueprint for sustainable, sovereign and self-determining communities like the renowned Akasha NewEarth Haven in Bali and the NewEarth Sanctuary in Mexico- a zero-point community for thousands of residents committed to planetary emancipation.