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Ronda Collier Metabolic Harmony + Heart Rate Variability


2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Sunday Free Lectures 45mins

 Metabolic Harmony + Heart Rate Variability

In this talk we will describe Heart Rate Variability (HRV) from a holistic and physiological perspective and take a deeper dive into how our HRV is an indicator of systemic health and can alert us when we are living and eating in ways that promote disease. We will show how HRV exhibits properties of Complex Systems and review research showing that our nervous systems are synchronized each other, the Earth and the Cosmos.

Ronda Collier, BSEE, M.A. Psychology spent 25 years in high tech product development before studying non-invasive health monitoring techniques to improve personal well being. This led to the founding of SweetWater Health in 2011.