UFO Reporting & The Near Death Experience
Robert presents the latest in extraterrestrial science, disclosure policy, and his direct encounter with our off world visitors. Explore the origin of the soul, the nature of existence and how Earth is being birthed into a larger expression. The slide show shows recent photos of sightings and signs of visitations. A special focus will be on his 1997 near-death experience. Souls have much to say from the other side. He is celebrating his 30th year of lectures.
Robert Perala is the author of The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium and The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond. He is a graduate of the Robbins Research Institute and has spent 35 years devoted into the esoteric sciences, metaphysics, UFO studies, behavioral studies and spirituality. He has been featured on CNN, Fox News, Showtime, and Coast to Coast to name a few. He can be found at: www.robertperala.com