This is a paid workshop ticket, you need either a $28 reg seat or a Vip seat $44 plus general admission ticket for that day.
• Do you seek to deepen your connection with your Muse or inner guidance?
• Is there a writing project you feel called to start or challenged to complete?
• Or do you simply yearn to open more fully and flowingly to the writer you are?
Unleash the power of your creative potential with award-winning author Mark David Gerson!
Learn practical, fun techniques guaranteed to get your words on paper.
Discover how to write naturally and authentically from that place within you where Spirit resides.
Awaken to new skills, new stories and a renewed confidence in your innate gifts…whatever your experience, medium or genre.
You’ll never feel the same about writing again!
Mark David Gerson is the award-winning author of more than 20 books, including compelling fiction and memoir, classic books for writers and popular spiritual/personal growth titles. An inspiring writing coach, Mark David helps writers around the world get their stories onto the page and into the world with ease. www.markdavidgerson.com