2025 and Beyond – COSMIC Turning Points
There’s no denying that 2025 is already proving to be a time of momentous
change not only around the world but for each of us personally. To assist in
aligning with these massive shifts during the upcoming years, New Living Expo
‘25 presents An Astrological 2025 ROUNDTABLE to empower you in
discovering how these extraordinary changes can impact your life.
To assist you in easily following along in how the shift of each of the powerful
outer planets affects you personally, we recommend that you download a free
‘natal’ birth chart (horoscope) on your phone (astro.com) or bring a copy of your
This year’s Astrology Roundtable, curated and hosted by Shima Moore, “Your
Astrology Curator,” will offer important insights and strategies to support you
in steering the uncharted waters and rapids that lie ahead. Shima and her
cadre of internationally recognized astrologers will explore current celestial
maps and highlight key planetary cycles that promise to animate and influence
your life in the months and years ahead. As we step into this new era, you can
feel more empowered and enlightened in how to best forge ahead by identifying
specific hot spots in your life. Q&A as time permits.
Moderator and Host, Shima Moore
Co-founder/producer of L.A. Conscious Life Expo, Rainbow Grocery, and Perceptions magazine, Shima currently resides in Mount Shasta where she dives deep to share 5D StarPortal: Stargate Activations/Meditations, Paneurhythmy sacred movement and insights for transformational times.
Henry Seltzer has been a professional astrologer for over 30 years, and as well, a popular speaker. His publications include the TimePassages software, for Mac, Windows and mobile devices, for which he wrote the acclaimed interpretations, and The Tenth Planet, about Eris.
Gemini Brett is a world-renowned astrologer, shamanic starry*teller, compassionate counselor, and inspiring educator. His terrestrial translations of the celestial conversation expressed through the ancient sacred sciences will help you realign with the magic of the living sky.
Ari Moshe Wolfe, With clarity and compassion, Ari teaches and practices astrology as a spiritual tool in service to our soul evolution. His teaching is rooted in the lineage of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green and continues to blossom with his own ongoing realization. Ari teaches a yearly training program, and maintains an active counseling practice. Learn more about Ari and his various services at arimoshe.com
Ana Zaharia is a Transformational Coach and Astrologer who helps women move from feeling stuck to stepping fully into their power. Through a unique blend of psychological astrology, empowerment coaching, and energy work, Ana guides her clients to uncover their inner strengths, release limiting patterns, and create lives of clarity and purpose.
Michelle Dench, Mother of four, artist, painter, meditator, Michelle uses astrology as a tool for healing, insight and evolution from the soul’s perspective, integrating trauma-informed practices of Relationships and Family dynamics in the Birth Chart.
Sibyl Star is a Channel of the Star Nation and most recently, Galactic Astrology in her wide array of astro offerings, Rev. Sibyl Star combines more than 20 years of astrological consultations to assist clients in navigating these turbulent times. She also offers bi-monthly forecasts on YouTube. www.sibylstar.com