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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Free Panel Podcast Network Meet the Stars!

Room 5

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm is a podcast network with over 70 podcasts exclusively in the Mind + Body + Spirit genres. The podcasters and their guests are creative thinkers and leaders, authors, mediums, psychics, and teachers. Our wide variety of shows cover contemporary spirituality, joy and happiness, spirit animals, pain management, vegetarian lifestyles, health and mental health, self-care, metaphysics, and more.  The podcasters help people communicate with their angels, animals, and loved ones who have passed.

This panel will be moderated by Diane Ray, the co-founder of, who will lead us on an exploration of upcoming Expo workshops to be held by several of the leading podcasters on the network.


You’ll hear from Radleigh Valentine as he teaches you how to connect with your angels for their wisdom and protection through life. Kelly Sullivan Walden will show you how you can use the power of your dreams to manifest the life you want. Learn how Kimberly Meredith will help you with her “Soul Frequency Readings” and medical intuitive readings over the weekend ahead. Vincent Genna will help you use the tool of past life regression to unlock blocks in this life. Angel incarnate Rachel Corpus will teach us how to collaborate with angels, ascended masters, and high-vibrational extraterrestrials. Elias Patras shares engaging exercises and guided activities to learn how to break through personal challenges.

To learn more about visit:

 Diane Ray leveraged her extensive radio and broadcasting experience to co-found the Podcast Network. As Network Radio Manager at, she worked with spiritual leaders like Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. After serving as Director of Programming at Unity Online Radio she and her business partner grew to 70+ curated shows. Visit:


Radleigh Valentine is a bestselling author, spiritual teacher, angel expert, and tarotist known for his joyful, fear-free approach to spirituality. With 35+ years of experience, he inspires people to embrace hope, connect with angels, and manifest miracles. Radleigh’s work blends practicality and enchantment, empowering audiences worldwide to live magical lives.


newlivingexpo Kimberly Meredith is a World-Renowned Celebrity Medical Intuitive Medium, healer, influencer and the bestselling author of Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing. Following two Near-Death Experiences, Kimberly was blessed with healing gifts from the Holy Spirit. Her remarkable abilities have been scientifically validated by numerous research institutes, including the PSYtek Subtle Energy Laboratory, Dr. Norm Shealy’s Shealy Sorin Wellness Institute, and the IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences.


Kelly Sullivan Walden began her dream career as a little girl with a series of tandem dreams she shared with her younger sister. These days, she’s the bestselling author of 10 books and seven oracle cards, and is a popular media guest, podcaster, known as Doctor Dream. Her latest award-winning book is A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing To Waste and her next book, Dreamafesting, comes out in September on St. Martin’s Press.


Vincent Genna, MSW, is a dynamic Psychic Therapist, celebrated Medium, and Spiritual Master. Known as the “Visionary of Our Times,” he blends over 41 years of expertise in Spirituality, Metaphysics, and Psychology to inspire transformation. Through his bestselling book, podcast, and media appearances, Vincent empowers people worldwide to achieve extraordinary breakthroughs.


Rachel Corpus is an Angel, an actual Angel in a human body, who came into physical form to learn and teach how to live a fulfilled life in deep connection with Source. She was born with the ability to experience things that others could not easily see or feel. Early in her life Rachel experienced her first of many near death experiences. She was told on the other side that she was, indeed, and Angel from the Seraphim rank.  Today, as a professional channel, Rachel plays fluidly in the quantum realm and the multiverse of parallel realities. She works in collaboration with angels, ascended masters, people on the other side and high-vibrational extraterrestrials.

Elias Patras, Best-Selling Author and Intuitive Motivator, helps individuals unlock their intuitive gifts and transform personal blocks using his MINDSET principles. Learn more about his retreats, workshops, and Learn more at

New Living Expo would like to thank Diane Ray and Tina Williamson, co-founders of, for being an Expo sponsor.