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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Free Panel Evolutionary Healing Panel Bringing Ancient Wisdom and Modern Medicine into the Future

Room 5

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Sunday Panel Discussions 1.5hrs

Evolutionary Healing Panel

Bringing ancient wisdom and modern medicine into our future

Join these four visionary healers and medical practitioners to look ahead into a new balance of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Their mixture of studies and degrees will combine well to bring an inspiring message about health care and true healing. We’ll explore the Natural, Eastern and Western philosophies and integrative approaches to health care.

Dr. Elson Haas ( as moderator and a good old people’s doctor of 50+ years with his integrative family practice ( as well as teacher and author of many popular books on health, nutrition and detox including Staying Healthy with the Seasons and The Detox Diet.


Richard Chen is an integrative medical doctor who has been in practice for 30+ years. I treat naturally those who are in physical and emotional pain who haven’t improved despite medical care.

Judy Lane, NP is a long-time practitioner and Director of Women’s Health at Preventive Medical Center of Marin. She specializes is Menopause, hormone therapy, bone health and healthy aging.


Dr. Ann Hathaway became disillusioned with conventional medicine early in her career and sought out novel solutions including a healthy diet, optimizing exercise and sleep. A careful search for root causes in each patient is essential to recovery and optimal health. Her work now is focused on the reversal of cognitive decline. 

Dr. Eric Gordon is the Founder and Medical Director of Gordon Medical Associates, located in San Rafael, CA. Along with over 40 years of seeing patients, Dr. Gordon is continually engaged in clinical research, bringing together leading medical researchers and cutting-edge clinicians.