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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.

Elson Haas Whole Self Detox

Room 8

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Sunday Free Lectures 45mins

Whole Self Detox

Dr. Elson expands his popular online detox programs to a greater and more complete life experience with his NEW four-week program focusing not only on physical and nutritional detox, but with additional time addressing Emotional Detox, Mental Clearing and Spiritual Purification. This ia a complete Spring Renewal program.

Become your new and whole self and not let negativity and your past hold you back. We’ll focus on peace within us and in our entire lives.

Elson Haas, MD ( is a longtime integrative family physician at his clinic in San Rafael, Preventive Medical Center of Marin ( Dr. Elson is also the author of a dozen books in the areas or self-care, nutrition and detoxification. His books include Staying Healthy with the Seasons, The Detox Diet, Ultimate Immunity and Staying Healthy with Nutrition. NEW Medicine Solutions has many programs that integrate Natural, Eastern and Western (NEW) Medicines and he is working on his life message — following the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors pledge, “First, Do No Harm.