Ascension & The Sacred Stand:
Activate Your Soul’s Mission
Sunday 12-1:30 PM | Room 5
We are at a critical time in earth’s history. The Ascension alarm has resounded throughout the cosmos and each of us is faced with the choice of whether or not to choose our holy cause and make a stand for the sacred. At this very moment, within your soul lies the vision of this mission of your soul, chosen by you and placed there by Creator. Elizabeth will share a powerful exercise to unlock your soul’s mission and vision, which is key to personal and planetary ascension.
How do you know you are living the life you were sent here to live? Unwind and unbind the program of the mind as we explore the ancient art of soul retrieval. Discover how shamans and mystics enter the Spirit World to interact with Spirit Guides, Angels, Ascended Ones, and directly experience the Divine. Learn how to know if your power has been given away, lost or stolen. Discover how you can retrieve the full power of your soul and thereby reveal why you came here during these times of evolutionary Ascension.
Elizabeth Wilcock Seraphine is the creator of the Priestess Path Lineages of Light. Her mission is to help protect and preserve the sacred and the sacred feminine here on earth and to empower feminine leaders to offer their gift as a blessing.
Creator of the Priestess Path Lineages of Light
Elizabeth Seraphine a modern-day mystery school enjoining ancient, sacred technology to modern life. Throughout her life, she has trained with masters and grandmasters from ancient wisdom traditions, and she carries this wisdom on through her programs. She has earned five black belts, owned multiple martial art & qigong schools, and has trained thousands of students. She combines wisdom from the sacred arts of shamanism, martial arts, Taoism, and the lost arts of the priestess into programs that activate the sacred timeline. To learn more, see:

My predominant orientation is that of a healer.
I believe we are eternal souls on an eternal timeline. As a child, I was in contact with the spirit world and began hands on healing to save animals, take away pain and pray for people. My main interest my entire life has been mysticism and I spent much of my life training with masters and grandmasters in sacred arts. This passion led me down ‘the road less traveled’ as I followed the paths of shamanism, kung fu, qigong, sacred body wisdom, plant medicines and the priestess path. Along my journey, I earned 5 black belts in kung fu and became the first female master in my martial art organization. During that time, I co-owned and operated 5 martial art and qigong schools and trained thousands of students. My explorations have taken me to the tops of the Andes, into the jungles of Peru and into the depths and heights of the human soul.
My Initiatory Illness
At the age of 15, I developed a severe eating disorder. It became devastating and I was taken out of school and hospitalized by the age of 17. When I came out of the hospital, I was worse. Left to my own destruction, I became motivated by the power of this addiction and took control of my own healing.
Miraculous Healing
My prayer to heal led me to the Foundation for Shamanic Studies where, at the age of 18, I entered into a serious shamanic practice. A miraculous healing from the helping spirits that moved me to devote my life to shamanism. I quit college to immerse myself in shamanism and graduated from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies’ Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanic Healing. I continued formal shamanic studies for almost 25 years until I formed my own school of sacred arts.
Dedication to the Healing Path
A few years after my miraculous healing, I entered the martial arts which led me to Shaolin kung fu. At the heart of the martial arts is the mystical medical art of qigong. Inside of qigong, I found healing, emotional peace and a deep connection to Spirit which has become my daily ritual that sets the world right. Also at the core of qigong are the sacred sexual teachings of the taoist masters which are one of the core levels of qigong training that serious practitioners all encounter. My passion for kung fu and qigong as well as the good fortune I had to co-own five martial art schools and to train regularly with masters and grandmasters for many years resulted in earning 5 black belts and the position of master instructor. During this time, I owned five black belt schools and qigong centers and trained thousands of students. Currently, I am called to empower women to anchor in the sacred feminine energies here on earth.