What Dying Teaches You About Living | Saturday | 5-6:30pm | Room 5
In this presentation Dannion will give insights into what happens next, and how to use this information to empower your life. Get the most out of today by making sure you are prepared for what’s next … and have a few laughs realizing how great of a job you are already doing. Do not miss this opportunity to celebrate your not having to die, or nearly die, to gain these powerful life changing insights.
For more than 20 years, Dannion Brinkley has investigated the integration of conventional medicine and complementary healing modalities. Having spent more than 33,000 hours at the bedside of dying veterans, Dannion is a leading expert in the role of volunteers and complementary care in palliative, end-of-life care. Dannion will give you insights into the true meaning of life: The How, What, and Where…. He will teach you the power of forgiveness, one of the greatest tools given to us in free will. He will create an environment of loving laughter, so that you can possibly connect with beings who seek to connect with you.
With 4 death experiences & 3 Near Death Experience, 43 years as hospice volunteer Cofounder of The Twilight Brigade one of largest end of care programs for dying veterans. Dannion will bring unique insights from both sides of the Vale..
Dannion Brinkley is an international New York Times best-selling author of The Secrets of the Light, Saved by the Light, and At Peace in the Light. He is loved and respected worldwide for his inspirational lectures on the Near-Death Experience. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and has been a hospice volunteer for 33 years. Check Dannion web site www.lightstreamers.com