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Brad Olsen Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica: The Latest Updates

Room 2

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Friday Free Lectures 45mins

Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica: The Latest Updates

How many people actually go to Antarctica per year? Why is there a large “no fly” zone near the South Pole? Could that suggest an opening to “Inner Earth” or perhaps an ET base?  Why were the Nazis obsessed with their land claims in Antarctica? Could Antarctica be the lost continent of Atlantis?  Wouldn’t the inland portions of Antarctica disprove the “Flat Earth” theory? Do the old maps, such as the Piri Reis map, determine the continent was mapped long before the 1820s, when the first sealers and whalers set sight of the continent?  These “hidden anomalies” and many more will be explained and explored!

Explore the hidden anomalies of Antarctica that Brad discovered on his recent travels to this frozen land.

Brad Olsen is a captivating speaker and author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: “Modern Esoteric”  “Future Esoteric.” and the newly-released 2nd edition of “Beyond Esoteric.” Brad is an award-winning author, book publisher and conference speaker. His keynote presentations and moderating panels have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, Journey to Truth, Alien Event, Conscious Life Expo, and the Mt. Shasta Summer Conference. He has done hundreds of radio interviews (including Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, and the Patriot Underground) and appeared on dozens of television shows (including Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, Beyond Belief, Book of Secrets, The Truth is Out There and Mysteries of the Outdoors). He has traveled to all seven continents, including Antarctica by sailboat, seeking adventure and the answers to the mysteries of humankind’s past.

Brad Olsen’s esoteric writing continues to reach a wide audience while he continues breaking ground in alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration and photography.