This is a paid workshop, you will need a $28 reg seat, or a Vip seat $44, plus a general admission for that day
What is Consciousness? Journey to the heart of spacetime itself, and discover the quantum geometry of the fundamental lattice of energy composing all things. From first principles, Adam Apollo will share leading edge developments in Unified Physics, and their application in understanding the mechanisms of consciousness and the spiritual faculties of being. Explore the microcosm, metacosm, biocosm, and macrocosm, and discover the fractal holographic synergy between all layers of the Universe, and the ways each layer relates to our experiential awareness. Interweaving the work of Buckminster Fuller, Nassim Haramein, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and other great thinkers, gain a transcendent and unifying view of our ongoing dance of self-discovery.
Adam Apollo, Featured speaker at the White House, in summits at the United Nations, and at conferences globally. Cofounder of UNIFY.org movement (over 100M people), and Superluminal Systems. Author of The Dragon Key, courses in Unified Physics, and Self-Mastery. Featured on GAIA TV, Coast to Coast AM, feature films and more.