FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Richard Matthews
(203) 853-7095
Schedule Includes Top Influencers John Gray, Shayamasundar Das & Deborah Graham
SAN RAFAEL, CA, UNITED STATES, February 25, 2025 / — The New Living Expo (NLE) features a speaker lineup that includes over a hundred influential authors, experts and practitioners who will present various lectures and workshops May 9-11 at the Marin Center in San Rafael, CA. NLE in the longest running conscious consumer event if its kind with origins that date back to the late 1980s.
“After all these years of Whole Life and New Living shows, we are thrilled to finally be in Marin,” said Ken Kaufman, co-founder and longtime executive producer of NLE and Whole Life Expos that ran for years in San Francisco and San Mateo. “Marin has been instrumental in helping launch the conscious living movement, and the event really belongs here.”
NLE’s speaker lineup always features presenters that offer unique and innovative ways of approaching conscious living, sustainability, and the future, and includes authors such as John Gray (“Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”), Shayamasundar Das (“The Master’s Deepest Secrets”) and Dannion Brinkley (“Saved By The Light”), as well as influencers such as Deborah Graham, Kimberly Meredith, Steven Halpern and Deborah King. A full list of NLE presenters can be found here:
Brinkley has a simple reason for continuing to appear and speak at both Whole Life and NLE shows going back to the late 1980s.
“It’s simple,” the New York Times bestselling author of several books explains. “I can recruit more hospice volunteers at these events than any other events I’ve attended or spoken at.”
Brinkley is co-founder and Board Chairman of the Twilight Brigade (formerly called Compassion in Action), a non-profit international organization that supports bedside volunteers who provide companionship to those who are dying, especially combat veterans, during the last months of life.
“At New Living Expo, I find many conscious-minded people looking for opportunities like this,” Brinkley says. “The attendees come out looking for ways to contribute and make a difference, and this work is a calling for many of them.”
Grammy-nominated recording artist, author and sound healing expert Halpern ( is another longtime participant who is presenting this year, and who comes at the sound niche from the point of view of a musician, performer, and composer. The Los Angeles Times acknowledged Halpern as “a founding father of New Age music” who launched a “quiet revolution” in modern instrumental music that focused more on creating harmony, coherence and balance rather than as mere entertainment.
“What’s great about events like New Living is that for many I encounter at the show, this might be their first real exposure to sound healing as a medium for better wellness,” says Halpern. “We have a real chance to introduce this to people and have a really positive impact on their lives.”
The event also explores sustainable living options with speakers such as environmental educator and performance artist Jessica Jane Robinson, who will present a special screening of her short documentary film “Story of The Cup” ( followed by a discussion of the film ( Robinson created the graphic novel character Resilience and has written two books to date and does special environmental education work in full character (as Resilience) in numerous schools in California and Colorado (
“I want to help people learn how help create a healthier community by living a zero-waste lifestyle,” says Robinson. “My online carbon calculator is one easy way to track your behavior and slowly get accustomed to lifestyle changes without going cold turkey. The film we’re showing at the expo suggests some other ways.”
NLE’s signature event bookstore is booked solid with author signings all weekend. The event also features DIY panels, 120+ special exhibits, Yoga classes, QiGong demos, Outdoor Music Stage, and natural food sampling and dining in the Outdoor Food Pavilion. For more information on tickets and all aspects of the event schedule, go to, or call
Some history:
In 2002, Ken Kaufman began producing New Living Expo after decades of involvement with Whole Life Expo. He continues his commitment to creating a world class annual event, with the Expo now happening in San Rafael at the Marin Center.
The mission of The Expo is to empower everyone to explore Life’s possibilities. Our roster of speakers represent alternative thinking, conscious community and innovations in holistic health care, and are international best-selling authors, political activists, spiritual teachers, researchers and science-based healers.
We are so excited to be with you at our NEW LOCATION:
Marin Center, 20 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, CA 94903. Wifi is included with admission and parking is abundant and free. The Embassy Suites Hotel, where the speakers presentations are located, is within 1 block, over the foot bridge.
For the schedule, please visit
Event information is at
Directions to the event location at Marin Center:
The benefits of attending the New Living Expo experience will impact your day to day life. The Expo encourages looking at Life’s Big Questions: What will make my relationships more fulfilling? What path should I take to overcome my health challenges? How can I delay the aging process? What steps are available to me on my Life’s journey?
Our mindful marketplace vendors have always been ahead of the curve on trends such as superfoods, crystal healing, aura reading, re-activating your immune response, infra-red detoxing, anti-aging elixirs, EMF protection, sound healing, plant-based body care, and so much more. They conduct demos and answer your questions on the spot – no need to wait for an online reply.
Whether you’ve been enjoying New Living Expo for years, or have yet to discover it, this experience is not to be missed. See you in May on the 9th through the 11th at Marin Center in San Rafael CA. Advance tickets are online at