Free Lecture: Direct Past Lives | Saturday April 28 | 1-1:45pm | Room 1 | Booth 347
Lai explains the repetitive patterns in our lives and why we have certain phobias and likes or dislikes for things, people or places. Sometimes illnesses, sicknesses and fears come from one or more past lives. If we can find out which life or lives, we can start healing. She’ll talk about the principles of reincarnation, will answer questions, and share one past life with as many members of the audience as possible.
Lai Ubberud is an international author and winner of the Houston Press award for “Best Psychic and Best Pet Psychic,” Lai is a medium, psychic, animal communicator, past-lives reader and travels the world helping people with their spiritual issues. She is in Glamour Magazine’s Hall of Fame.
Free Panel Discussion: What in the World do We Need to Know NOW? | Saturday April 28 | 5-6:30pm | Room 7
The world has gone crazy; with school shootings, alternative facts, indictments, and people showing no sense or logic. Is there an end to this? Why is this happening? Our expert panel will tell you what is going on and what will be happening in 2018. You’ll find out the secrets of the new age science that will lift us into the age of enlightenment? Your personal questions will be answered at this event. You’ll be amazed at what is really happening. You’ve seen it in the news; now find out the truth behind all the smoke and mirrors. Prize raffle follows presentation.