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Samantha Keen Reclaiming Vitality: Healing Chronic Fatigue


11:00 am - 11:45 am

Sunday Free Lectures 45mins

Are you struggling with chronic fatigue or burnout and seeking answers beyond conventional approaches? Based on her book, ‘Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout’ Samantha offers a transformative perspective. Drawing from her recovery journey, 20 years of client work and interviews, Samantha explores the link between vitality and energy bodies. This talk provides actionable insights into balancing activity, addressing technology’s impact, and reclaiming your energy to live fully

Samantha Keen, author and IST practitioner, overcame Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through meditation.
With 10,000+ hours of client sessions, she helps others reclaim vitality. Samantha recently published her best selling book “Reclaiming Vitality”.

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